The Education is a human rigth, but in our contry, it isn’t guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore is increasing the privatization in the Education, and the families need to borrow to pay the education for their . This is a big problem, and and requires time to resolve it.
But in the but in the specific case of the strike and the demonstration of this week, the demands are urgent and for specific things.
This are Specific demands in relation to scholarships.
First, is very important that the grants are given to people who really need it, It is, for socio-economic criteria, and non-academic.
Second, that the criteria for measuring socioeconomic conditions is better structured.
And finally, that more people can be benefited with more and better scholarships.
In the other hand , the demands on long-term are basically that the education is recognized as a right therefore : Education, Free State. And in the private education, the state to intervene and control the profit. And the private universities must take responsibility for funding students who require benefits.
I think it is very important to know about all these problems and work out solutions for them.
but I think it would be good to integrate the rest of the community to discuss theseissues, because education is something that affects us all as a society
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ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, we must integrate all the community, but this community is so blind sometimes, that this doesn't matter for them. We also have to work for change that attitude.
ReplyDeleteWell, take care!
I think that we need popular support too!
ReplyDeleteI hope that we change something in the near future because the education needs a big change.
How can we involve society if the news shows the strikes and the students as criminals?
ReplyDeletei think that scholarship isn't a solution, but i agree that this is a form to maintain at the university. But, i think that the horizon is "free education for all"!!!!
I think that the main problem is the profit with education. If education is public, politicians and bussinesman don't finance this because "it's not profitable".
ReplyDeleteCecilia, you are right!Sometimes I think that the State enjoy do the things bad; obviously the educations is a right, but it is not lucrative and convenient for they, so is not a right and is a problematic without solutions.And the worse, it is that without education , there is not progress for us!